Recovery Coach Professional (RCP)-Designation
CCAR, the global leader in training the Art and Science of Recovery Coaching has established a Recovery Coach Professional (RCP)© designation to elevate the standard for recovery coaches worldwide. Our goal is to have the RCP© Designation recognized, trusted, and valued in the field. Over the years, we have found that recovery coach certifications focus mainly on the science. To earn most certifications and/or credentials associated with recovery coaching, candidates must accumulate a certain number of training hours, accrue a specified amount of supervised time serving in the role and pass a written test. In addition, many certifications require someone to be abstinent from a personal addiction for a specific period of time. This is in direct conflict with the spirit of the role of a recovery coach, as well as honoring multiple pathways of recovery.
We believe that vetting coaches is important as we embark into professional arenas, however, the act of being vetted shouldn't create even more barriers for a population that is continuously struggling to eliminate barriers.
CCAR invites you to join a growing group of Recovery Coach Professionals© across the country.
Próximamente: para la designación de par professional (recovery coach) RCP© del CCAR